
Causes of Canine Reactivity

I continue to work with countless distraught clients who are desperate to stop their dog’s reactive behavior on a leash. I get it! When I adopted my 9-year-old Scottish Terrier in 2009, I felt the same isolation, stress and frustration. For two years, we trained diligently and, eventually, reached a point where we could walk […]

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Exposure vs Socialization

A solid understanding of the distinction between exposure and socialization is essential for preventing reactivity in dogs. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they play very different roles in shaping a dog’s behavior. Let’s dive into what each one means and why it matters. Exposure (Ideal for dogs with slow resilience)  Exposure refers to

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Tips for Overwhelmed reactive dog Owners

For Ollie, a highly reactive dog, desensitization has been a game-changer; allowing him to navigate my home environment with a greater sense of calm self-confidence. By engaging Ollie in familiar, enjoyable tricks—like “spin,” “paw,” and “high five”—while he hears but cannot see people or dogs nearby, I gradually helped him get used to these sounds.

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3 Strategies For Introducing Your insecure Dog To Friends.

This process is for the shy or insecure dog. If your dog becomes activated and goes at the stimuli with strong barking and snapping or has bitten visitors, schedule a Bite Risk Assessment with Judy: What does your dog enjoy? 1. Toys – If your dog is excited about toys, I suggest you integrate toys into

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