Positive Association

Have a Plan When Changing Behavior

When a dog is repeatedly frightened by the same stimuli, and is not ever given a chance to think and feel differently about this stimuli, you will likely see the same reaction long term to this stimuli whenever it presents itself. Systematic Desensitization and Counter Conditioning is the process of learning to think and feel

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Behavior is Shaped by the Environment

I try not to sound like a broken record, but I do continually hit home the fact that the environment is training your dog.  Specifically, the environment is shaping your dogs behavior in small successes each day, each minute. Why is this important?  If your puppy barks frequently to get your older dog to interact

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Changing Your Dogs Emotional Response

Simply wanting your dog to respond differently to sights and sounds is not enough.  In the last Blog, I talked about having a plan, going slow and being in a good emotional place yourself. Please keep in mind, when your dog becomes afraid or anxious his emotional state is responding to one or more triggers

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Changing Behavior

When changing your dogs behavior or habits it is best to go slow and keep it simple.  Changing habits takes time and while the process may seem overwhelming at times, remember small successes are a big deal! Steps to changing your dogs behavior:  1. Make a plan, put it in writing, including specific detailed goals

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